St. Jacob Inn

Különleges ajánlat a Szent Jakab Vendégházban

Foglaljon szállást 2025. január és február hónapokra a pannonhalmi Szent Jakab Vendégházba,
és éljen a 20% kedvezmény lehetőségével, amennyiben SZÉP kártyával fizet.

Ne hagyja ki ezt a kivételes ajánlatot!

További információkért és foglalásért forduljon hozzánk bizalommal elérhetőségeinken.

Inn for pilgrims and tourists comfortingly close to the forest.

The inn, named after St. Jacob, offers families, pilgrims, young people or spiritual groups visiting Pannonhalma an ideal opportunity for relaxing, recreation and meditative silence.Our inn is open all year round for people who wish to explore the spiritual and cultural values of the abbey.

Its large indoor and outdoor community spaces make it suitable for extended multi-day events, camps and retreats. Bedrooms furnished in the spirit of functional simplicity and the quiet of the forest together serve the meditation and relaxation of our individual guests and visitor groups.


Rooms and prices

1 Single room

Single room with a view of the forest
1 With one additional bed.

Ideal accommodation for tourists and
pilgrims seeking silent meditation.
12 000 Ft/éjszaka

2 Double rooms

Accessible double room with a view of the forest

Ideal accommodation for tourists and
pilgrims seeking silent meditation.
22 000 Ft / éjszaka (irrespective of the number of people)

6-bed room

Family room with en suite bathroom and kitchenette

Ideális szálláshely családok
vagy kisebb baráti társaságok részére
36 000 Ft / éjszaka (irrespective of the number of people)

16-bed room

Room for tourists with bunkbeds and a view of the forest

Ideális szálláshely csoportok,
osztályok, nagyobb társaságok részére
75 000 Ft / éjszaka (Személyek számától függetlenül)

Book the entire building

Ask for your special quote.

For pilgrims

“Pilgrims are people wearing hiking boots, walking on the road who want to meet God
—no matter what their religion is—and who fulfil some external or internal undertaking.

The provision of pilgrims with accommodation is an important task at St. Jacob Inn.
We warmly welcome pilgrims and offer them discount prices.

Ask for your special quote.


Tourist tax

450 Ft / fő / éj

Room prices

16-bed rooms – up to 12 people irrespective of the number of people

75 000 Ft / éj

6-bed rooms - irrespective of the number of people

36 000 Ft / éj

2-bed rooms - irrespective of the number of people

22 000 Ft / éj

1 Single room

12 000 Ft / éj

Book the entire building

345 000 Ft / éj

Conference room (76 m2, projektorral) megszálló vendégeink részére
Konferenciatrerem nem megszálló vendégeink részére

46 000 Ft / nap
70 000 Ft / nap

Catering - (We can only accept meal requests for more than 20 people)

Use of a commercial kitchen (in the area of ​​St. Jacob Guesthouse)

HUF 38,100
/ day

Individual arrangements required

Breakfast – In the Main Abbey High School dining room at 08:00



Breakfast – In the Main Abbey High School dining room at 08:00

Egyedi egyeztetés

Egyedi egyeztetés

Lunch – In the Main Abbey High School dining room at 12:00

Egyedi egyeztetés

Egyedi egyeztetés

Dinner – In the Main Abbey High School dining room at 18:00

Egyedi egyeztetés

Egyedi egyeztetés

Booking conditions

Please see our booking table.

To indicate your intention to make a reservation, please contact us
using one of the following contacts!

We consider your booking to be final once we have confirmed it by e-mail and the deposit has been received to our account.

Please, transfer 50% of the value of your booking as a deposit to the bank account number given in the confirmation email. Booking calendar

Please contact us if you have not received the confirmation email within 2 working days.

If you would like to visit us with a group of more than 16 persons, don’t forget to request a special quote.

A szállást érkezés napján 14 órától lehet elfoglalni és távozás napján 10 óráig szükséges elhagyni azt. 

2024. december 30. és 2025. január 1. között minimum 2 éjszakára és a teljes ház igénybevételével foglalható. 


We can accept cancellations in writing, via email under the following terms and conditions:



GPS Coordinates: N47 33.507 E17 45.308

Driving from the Archabbey, the entrance of the Inn is to be found via Dózsa György Road from Cseider völgy Street

The Inn is about 10 minutes’ walk from the Viator Restaurant. The main entrance of the monastery is another 5 minutes’ walk from the Restaurant.